Three EASY Ways To Improve Your Riding Position

September 19, 2014 1 min read

3 ways graphicHave you ever had problems with your horse’s movement when you are on his or her back? Have you noticed your horse moving too forward or not forward enough while riding? If the problem is not ill-fitting tack, it could be you. You could be imbalanced and/or causing tension in the saddle while riding. Once you correct yourposition, you will be surprised at the changes in your horse. We will go over a few simple ways to find your “sweet spot” and improve your riding position.

Half seat – Liftyourself off your seat bones, push them backwards, and sit down. By doing this, your hip angle will close and your torso will move slightly closer to your horse’s neck.

Drop your shoulders – Breathe in and drop your shoulders. Do not allow your arms to stiffen, keep your elbows soft and let them absorb shock. Keep breathing to release tension from your body.

Sit deep – Close your inner thighs and allow your calves to gently hug your horse’s barrel. Soften your ankles, knees, and hips as you sit down.

These three different positions are extremely easy and can be done by riders of any level. As your relax and position yourself correctly, you will find that your horse will move much more comfortably and free flowing. Take your time and enjoy your ride!

For more information on improving your riding position, visit:

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